emma argues with principal figgins


Emma Pillsbury is the school counselor and glee club director at William McKinley High School in the television show Glee. She is known for her kind and caring nature, but she can also be strong-willed and assertive when she needs to be. One example of this is when she stood up to Principal Figgins in defense of the glee club.

In the season two episode “Journey,” the glee club is struggling to stay afloat. Sue Sylvester, the cheerleading coach, has been trying to sabotage the club at every turn, and she has finally succeeded in getting Figgins to cut the club’s funding.

Emma is devastated, but she refuses to give up. She goes to Figgins’ office and tries to convince him to reinstate the club’s funding. She explains that the glee club is important to the students because it gives them a place to belong and express themselves. She also argues that the club is beneficial to the school because it helps to promote school spirit and unity.

Figgins is initially unmoved, but Emma persists. She tells him that she will not leave his office until he agrees to meet with the glee club and hear their side of the story. Figgins eventually gives in, and he agrees to meet with the club the next day.

The glee club performs a song for Figgins, and he is impressed by their talent and passion. He agrees to reinstate the club’s funding, and the glee club is saved.

Emma’s argument with Figgins is a great example of her standing up for what she believes in. She was willing to fight for the glee club, even though she knew that she was going up against powerful forces. She is a true role model for students and adults alike.

Here is a more detailed account of Emma’s argument with Principal Figgins, based on the script of the episode “Journey”:

Glee - Figgins tells Sue she can't shoot anybody out of a Cannon 2x11 -  YouTube

Emma enters Figgins’ office and finds him sitting at his desk.


Principal Figgins, I need to talk to you about the glee club.


What about it?


I understand that you’ve cut their funding.


That’s correct.


I’m here to ask you to reconsider.




Because the glee club is important to the students. It gives them a place to belong and express themselves. It also helps to promote school spirit and unity.


I don’t agree. I think the glee club is a waste of time and resources.


You’re wrong. The glee club is a valuable part of our school.


I disagree.


That’s your right, but I’m not going to give up without a fight.


What are you going to do?


I’m going to keep fighting until you reinstate the glee club’s funding.


You’re wasting your time.


We’ll see about that.

21 Times "Glee" Was Actually Really Problematic

Emma turns and walks out of Figgins’ office.

Figgins is annoyed by Emma’s persistence, but he is also impressed by her passion. He knows that she is a force to be reckoned with.

The next day, Figgins meets with the glee club in his office. He listens to them perform a song, and he is moved by their talent and passion. He agrees to reinstate the club’s funding, and the glee club is saved.

Emma’s argument with Figgins is a great example of her standing up for what she believes in. She was willing to fight for the glee club, even though she knew that she was going up against powerful forces. She is a true role model for students and adults alike.

Analysis of Emma’s Argument

Emma’s argument with Figgins is effective because it is well-reasoned and passionate. She begins by establishing common ground with Figgins, acknowledging that he has the authority to cut the glee club’s funding. However, she then goes on to argue that he should reconsider his decision because the glee club is important to the students and to the school as a whole.

Emma’s argument is well-reasoned because it is based on facts and evidence. She points out that the glee club is a popular extracurricular activity with a large membership. She also argues that the club helps to promote school spirit.

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